Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Good News For .CO.CC Users

Good News For .CO.CC Users - Maybe for .CO.CC users, this is a sad times, because Google had blocked .CO.CC domain from Google Search Engine. Yap, this fact make all .CO.CC users maybe angry to Google especialy for the blogger's who have joining SEO contest.

I don't know why Google Blocked .CO.CC domain from search engine, but if the blogger's back to blogspot.com again it same as they have to build their blog's again, and they have to build a traffic again. I also sad for this situation :(

But, My blogger Friends Ferdinand had sent a message to .CO.CC admin, and this is an exclusive answer from .CO.CC admin

We already contacted with Google and are discussing as to the de-indexing. The matter seems to be fixed very soon.

I think that you can index your own co.cc domain if you make a request at Google. Please visit here www.google.com/webmasters/ and add your own co.cc domain at “Add a site” area.

So, for all .CO.CC blogger's, you must add your .CO.CC site to www.google.com/webmasters/.
Ok, jus it information for me. Good Luck.


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Thanks for your information.. i have domain for free at co.cc but since google has banned of it. it make me fee not good.. :)

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